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With every release of a support package stack, customer gets excited but also a little anxious. Why? It’s like handing over a thoughtful gift to a friend. Months and months of preparation goes after development and production process and now it is time to unwrap the package and see how you like what SAP has in store for you. To make this a short read, we outline only some of the features. If you would like to know more, you can book a demo session with us at .

Let’s take a pick at some of the features that have been delivered with SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SPS12.


It all starts with a customer

In 2019, SAP invited customers to submit and vote on improving SAP Solution Manager. In particular, the scope for this project included functionalities in the areas of Process Management, Test Suite and Change and Release Management.

Customer participation exceeded SAP’s expectations and downright the President of Application Lifecycle Management ALM. While the latest of the improvements collected with the 2019 project are being delivered with SPS12 for SAP Solution Manager 7.2, the story does not end here. SAP Customer Connection program for SAP Solution Manager is already planned for next year.


Simplified User Experience in Process Management

Valuable input from SAP Customer Connection has influenced what SPS12 holds for solution documentation. Here one of the new features enables users to automatically move elements from process step reference into originals. Where in the past test cases that had been created as test documents in the process steps of the business process structure and they could not be reused. Each test case had to be manually selected in the solution documentation and individually moved with “move to original”. Now, moving elements from a process step reference has been radically simplified as elements from different process steps can be moved by executing a report. With this report – and therefore with one single activity – several elements, for example documents, executables and test documents can be moved to the process step library.



What is more, with SPS12, solution documentation offers harmonized user interfaces (UI) which help end users to search and find test documents faster. Now users can find all columns they might know from general solution documentation UIs also in the so called “assignment UIs”.

And since good things come in threes, the final feature is the simplified naming of process structure and document links. Customers have been asking for links that are shorter and have descriptive names. With SPS12, links to solution documentation elements and their assignments are displayed as name-based links. This means users can copy these links with telling names to share them with others and recipients can save time and a few brain cells not trying to decipher cryptic links.


More Flexibility with Test Suite

For Test Suite SPS12 contains mostly improvements for user experience including performance. Another major focus area was test plan copy. When copying test plans the previous options to either copy all test cases or exclusively open test cases did not meet all customers’ needs. Mass test plan copy offers a third option to copy test cases based on a custom selection that is independent of the test case status. Helping customers to copy the test cases they really need in a quick and efficient way. More improvements in user experience include simultaneous editing for test packages and test sequences and reduced storage space when archiving test suite objects. By the way, this was also one of SAP’s customers’ ideas handed in via SAP Customer Connection program.


Automated Change Control Management

Change Control Management SPS12 holds several new automation features. The biggest highlight in SPS12 is most certainly the availability of a git-enabled Change and Transport System (gCTS) integration with SAP Solution Manager. This gives customers the opportunity to enable gCTS on managed systems, configure their system landscape with the benefit of even more transparency and control over change execution – centrally and end-to-end. Make the most of this exciting, new integration and get ready to run DevOps processes with ABAP!


Improved usability for Application Operations

Let’s unwrap the next package: Application Operations. SPS12 features a number of enhancements for simpler user interfaces such as reduced number of screens for different tasks. Among the highlights: Central Notification Management innovations such as “where-used” and replace functionalities for individual recipients or lists of recipients in monitoring and alerting configuration and auto-notification settings. This new UI will come in very handy to helps with data protection and privacy requirements in case an employee has left the organization and needs to be replaced as recipient.


Three-in-one with Business Process Operations

SPS12 Business Operations brings three different areas to one. Navigate directly from management UIs (Business Process Operations dashboards, process management board and dependency diagrams) to the Business Process Analytics tool. This is where users can find a visualization of the overall process flow and more filter options. Stay tuned for further enhancements of this dashboard in the future!


To read more about these support packages I recommend the following blog posts: